
What is Pandas?

Pandas is a popular open-source data analysis and manipulation library, built on top of the Python programming language. It provides flexible and efficient data structures that make it easier to handle and analyze data. Pandas is particularly well-suited for structured or tabular data, such as CSV and Excel files, SQL databases, or dataframes in Python.

Why use Pandas for Data Engineering?

  1. Data Handling: Pandas can handle a variety of data sets in different formats - CSV files, Excel files, or database records.

  2. Ease of Use: With only a few lines of code, Pandas makes it easy for users to read, write, and modify datasets.

  3. Data Transformation: It offers robust tools for cleaning and pivoting data, preparing it for analysis or visualization.

  4. Efficient Operations: Pandas is built on top of NumPy, a Python library for numerical computation, which makes it efficient for performing operations on large datasets.

  5. Integration: It integrates well with many other libraries in the scientific Python ecosystem, such as Matplotlib for plotting graphs, Scikit-learn for machine learning, and many others.

Installing Pandas

Pandas can be installed in your Python environment using package managers like pip or conda.

Installing Pandas using pip:

If you’re using a Jupyter notebook, you can install it using the following command:

!pip install pandas

For installation on your system, you can use pip in your command line:

pip install pandas

Installing Pandas using conda:

If you are using the Anaconda distribution of Python, you can use the conda package manager to install pandas. Type the following command in your terminal:

conda install pandas

After installation, you can import and check the installed Pandas version in your Python script as follows:

import pandas as pd


This will print the version of Pandas installed in your environment to ensure it’s correctly installed.

Pandas Data Structures

Pandas Series

What is a Series? A Series is a one-dimensional labeled array that can hold any data type. It is similar to a column in a spreadsheet or a vector in a mathematical matrix.

Key Features

  • It can be created from dictionaries, ndarrays, and scalar values.
  • Each item in a Series object has an index, which is a label that uniquely identifies it.
  • Series are similar to ndarrays and can be passed into most NumPy functions.

Pandas DataFrame

What is a DataFrame? A DataFrame is a 2-dimensional labeled data structure in Pandas, similar to a table in a relational database, an Excel spreadsheet, or a dictionary of Series objects.

Here is a basic example of a DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

data = {
    'Name': ['John', 'Anna', 'Peter'],
    'Age': [28, 23, 34]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Name Age
0 John 28
1 Anna 23
2 Peter 34

In this example, ‘Name’ and ‘Age’ are column labels and the numbers 0, 1, 2 on the left are the index labels.

An index in Pandas is a built-in data structure that makes data manipulation and analysis more efficient. It is an immutable array (cannot be changed) and an ordered set. By default Pandas uses a numeric sequence starting from 0 as index.

If you want to customize these index labels, you can do so when creating the DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

Name Age
a John 28
b Anna 23
c Peter 34

Now, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ are the index labels. These can be used with loc method to access specific rows.

Key Features

  • It can store data of different types (e.g., integer, string, float, Python objects, etc.).
  • Each row and column has labels for identification.
  • It is mutable in size, meaning you can modify rows and columns (insert or delete).

Why is it Useful?

  • Efficient data handling and storage.
  • Provides numerous built-in methods to manipulate and analyze data.
  • Integration with plotting libraries for data visualization.
  • Handles missing data gracefully and flexible reshaping of datasets.

Basic Operations with Series and DataFrames

Creating a Series

You can create a Series from dictionaries, ndarrays, and scalar values.

import pandas as pd

# From a dictionary
s1 = pd.Series({'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2})

# From an ndarray
s2 = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

# From a scalar
s3 = pd.Series(5, index=[0, 1, 2, 3])
a    0
b    1
c    2
dtype: int64
0    a
1    b
2    c
3    d
dtype: object
0    5
1    5
2    5
3    5
dtype: int64

Indexing a Series

You can access the elements of a Series in a similar way to indexing with native Python data structures

import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

# Accessing a single element using its index

# Accessing multiple elements using their indices
print(s[[0, 1, 2]])
0    a
1    b
2    c
dtype: object

Slicing a Series

Slicing a Series in pandas works in a similar way to slicing in Python.

import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])

# Slice using the index values (explicit index) - Here 'end' value is included

# Slice using index numbers (implicit index) - Here 'end' value is excluded
a    1
b    2
c    3
d    4
e    5
dtype: int64
a    1
b    2
c    3
dtype: int64
a    1
b    2
dtype: int64

Remember that when using explicit index (labels ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc.), the slice includes the end index - that’s why ‘c’ is included in the result. While when using implicit index, the ‘end’ index is not included in the slice - so the 2nd index (which is ‘c’ and is the third element) is not included.

Creating a DataFrame

You can create a DataFrame from various data types: dictionary, list of lists, list of dictionaries etc. In data engineering, creating a DataFrame is the first step before performing any data manipulation or analysis tasks.

import pandas as pd

# Creating DataFrame
data = {
    'Name': ['John', 'Anna', 'Peter'],
    'Age': [25, 23, 31],
    'Nationality': ["UK", "USA", "UK"]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

Name Age Nationality
a John 25 UK
b Anna 23 USA
c Peter 31 UK


Indexing is the process of accessing an element in a sequence using its position in the sequence (its index). In Pandas, indexing refers to accessing rows and columns of data from a DataFrame, whereas slicing refers to accessing a range of rows and columns.

We can access data or range of data from a DataFrame using different methods.

  • Using column names
  • Using .loc and .iloc

Using column names:

# Accessing 'Name' column
names = df['Name']
print('- "Name" column:')

# Accessing multiple columns
subset = df[['Name', 'Nationality']]
print('- multiple columns:')
- "Name" column:
a     John
b     Anna
c    Peter
Name: Name, dtype: object
- multiple columns:
    Name Nationality
a   John          UK
b   Anna         USA
c  Peter          UK

Using .loc and .iloc:

Pandas provides various methods to index and access data in a DataFrame, including .loc and .iloc. These methods are used to access a group of rows and columns by labels or a boolean array.

  1. .loc

    loc is a label-based data selection method which means that we have to pass the name of the row or column which we want to select. This method includes the last element of the range, unlike Python and iloc method.

# Accessing a single row
print('- single row:')

# Accessing multiple rows
print('- multiple row:')
print(df.loc[['a', 'b']])

# Accessing rows and specific columns
print('- rows and specific columns:')
print(df.loc[['a', 'b'], 'Name'])

# Accessing all rows and specific columns
print('- all rows and specific columns:')
print(df.loc[:, 'Name'])
- single row:
Name           John
Age              25
Nationality      UK
Name: a, dtype: object
- multiple row:
   Name  Age Nationality
a  John   25          UK
b  Anna   23         USA
- rows and specific columns:
a    John
b    Anna
Name: Name, dtype: object
- all rows and specific columns:
a     John
b     Anna
c    Peter
Name: Name, dtype: object
  1. .iloc

    iloc is an integer index-based method which means that we have to pass integer index in the method to select specific rows/columns. This method does not include the last element of the range.

# Accessing first row
print('- first row:')

# Accessing first and second rows
print('- first and second rows:')

# Accessing first row and first column
print('- first row and first column:')
print(df.iloc[0, 0])

# Accessing all rows and first column
print('- all rows and first column:')
print(df.iloc[:, 0])

# Accessing first two rows and first two columns
print('- first two rows and first two columns:')
print(df.iloc[0:2, 0:2])
- first row:
Name           John
Age              25
Nationality      UK
Name: a, dtype: object
- first and second rows:
   Name  Age Nationality
a  John   25          UK
b  Anna   23         USA
- first row and first column:
- all rows and first column:
a     John
b     Anna
c    Peter
Name: Name, dtype: object
- first two rows and first two columns:
   Name  Age
a  John   25
b  Anna   23


Slicing is used to access a sequence of data in the dataframe. Slicing is often used in data engineering to divide the dataset into smaller chunks for further processing, for example, dividing the data into train and test sets for model training.

# Slice the first three rows
first_three_rows = df[:3]

# Slice rows from index 1 to 3
subset = df[1:4]
    Name  Age Nationality
a   John   25          UK
b   Anna   23         USA
c  Peter   31          UK
    Name  Age Nationality
b   Anna   23         USA
c  Peter   31          UK

Filtering Data

Filtering in Pandas allows you to select rows that satisfy a certain condition. You can use slicing with boolean indexing for this. Boolean indexing uses a boolean vector to filter the data. The boolean vector is generated by applying a logical condition to the data. The rows corresponding to True in the boolean vector are selected.

# Filter rows where 'Age' is greater than 30
age_above_30 = df[df['Age'] > 30]

    Name  Age Nationality
c  Peter   31          UK

You can also combine multiple conditions using the & (and) and | (or) operators.

# Filter rows where 'Age' is greater than 30 and 'Paying_Status' is 'Paid'
age_above_30_and_teacher = df[(df['Age'] > 30) & (df['Nationality'] == 'UK')]
    Name  Age Nationality
c  Peter   31          UK

Remember, when combining conditions, you need to put each condition in parentheses. This is because the & and | operators have higher precedence than the comparison operators like > and ==.

Data Import and Export

Indexing is useful in data engineering to access specific parts of the data for further operations like transformations, calculations etc.

Reading Data From CSV

Reading data from a CSV file is an important task in data engineering and data science. It’s usually the first step when we have to analyze data which is stored in CSV format.

Many programming languages provide libraries to read data from CSV files. For instance, in Python, we use libraries like pandas to read CSV data.

Here is a simple example:

import pandas as pd

# load the data
dataframe = pd.read_csv('')

# print the first few lines of the dataframe
passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.0 C10 S
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.5 E25 C
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.0 G12 Q
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.0 A5 S
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.0 B15 S

In this example, the read_csv() function reads a CSV file and converts it into a Pandas DataFrame. dataframe.head() then prints the first 5 rows of the DataFrame.

Considerations while reading CSVs:

  1. Delimiter: A CSV file’s default delimiter is a comma. However, other characters like semicolons can be used. The correct delimiter should be specified when reading a CSV file.

  2. Header: If the first line of the CSV file is a header (names of columns), make sure the library correctly identifies it.

  3. Encoding: CSV files can be written in different encodings. If you encounter a UnicodeDecodeError, you might need to specify the correct encoding.

Writing Data To CSV

We often need to write or export data to a CSV file after manipulating or analyzing it. This written data can then be used in other systems, shared with other teams, or merely stored for future use.

Here is a simple Python example of writing data to a CSV file using pandas:

import pandas as pd

# Create a simple dataframe
new_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({
   'PassengerId': [1, 2, 3],
   'class': ['First', 'Second', 'First'],
   'sex': ['Female', 'Male', 'Male'],
   'age': [28, 24, 35],
   'ticket': ['U64297', 'V91254', 'W72311'],
   'fare': [75.40, 50.00, 100.00],
   'cabin': ['C20', 'A1', 'Z5'],
   'embarked': ['S', 'Q', 'S']

# write to a CSV file
new_dataframe.to_csv('./data/export-data.csv', index=False)

# print the dataframe
PassengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked
0 1 First Female 28 U64297 75.4 C20 S
1 2 Second Male 24 V91254 50.0 A1 Q
2 3 First Male 35 W72311 100.0 Z5 S

In this case, the to_csv() function writes the DataFrame to a CSV file. The index=False argument prevents pandas from writing row indices into the CSV file.

Considerations while writing CSVs:

  1. Delimiter: While a comma is standard, you might need to use a different character as a delimiter, which can be defined when writing a CSV file.

  2. Header: You can choose to include or exclude the header in your CSV file.

  3. Encoding: You can specify the type of encoding for your CSV file.

These functionalities to read and write CSV files form the basics of handling data in data engineering or data science tasks. They enable you to ingest data from various sources, process it as needed, and store or distribute results in a universally accepted format.

Data Indexing and Selection

Data indexing and selection is a crucial aspect of data manipulation and analysis. It allows us to access specific subsets of data efficiently. This process is particularly important when dealing with large datasets where manual inspection is not feasible.

Selecting Data by Index, Columns, and Labels

In Pandas, a popular data manipulation library in Python, you can select data based on the following 3 things: - Index - Columns - Labels

First, you need to import the necessary libraries and load your data:

import pandas as pd

# Load the data from the .csv file
dataframe = pd.read_csv('')

passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C10 S
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.50 E25 C
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.00 G12 Q
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.00 A5 S
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.00 B15 S
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C

Selecting Data by Index

The iloc function is used to select data by its numeric index, similar to how we access elements in a list. The i in iloc stands for integer. We can select a single row, or multiple rows, or even cut a range of rows.

For example, here we want to see in detail the data from the first row, we can access it via index (index = 0)

# Select the first row
first_row = dataframe.iloc[0]

passengerId         1
class           First
sex              Male
age                32
ticket         A12345
fare             50.0
cabin             C10
embarked            S
Name: 0, dtype: object

Selecting Data by Columns

We can select data by its column name in Pandas using the [] operator. This will return a Series object containing the data in the specified column. In this case, we want to look based on class in the data we have.

# Select the 'embarked' column
class_column = dataframe['class']

0     First
1    Second
2     Third
3     First
4    Second
5     Third
6     First
7    Second
8     Third
9     First
Name: class, dtype: object

Selecting Data by Labels

The loc function in Pandas is used to select rows based on their labels. In a DataFrame, row labels are indexes. By default, DataFrame indexes are numeric, similar to list indexes. However, we can set the index to be any column of the DataFrame, which allows us to use loc to select rows based on the values in that column. After we know the passenger class through the class column, now we want to see more detailed passenger data from the first class.

We can use the following way:

# Set the 'class' column as the index
dataframe.set_index('class', inplace=True)

# Select the row with the label 'First'
first_row = dataframe.loc['First']

passengerId sex age ticket fare cabin embarked
First 1 Male 32 A12345 50.0 C10 S
First 4 Female 40 D13579 100.0 A5 S
First 7 Male 50 G75319 80.5 D8 C
First 10 Female 45 J86420 90.0 G5 C
First 13 Male 55 M75319 75.5 C8 S
First 16 Female 38 P86420 95.0 F5 S
First 19 Male 60 S75319 70.5 I8 C

Data Manipulation

Adding and Updating Column

Adding Column

You can add a new column to your DataFrame in several ways: 1. Assigning a scalar value to a new column 2. Adding a Series as a new column 3. Adding a calculated column

First, you need to import the necessary libraries and load your data:

import pandas as pd

# Load the data from the .csv file
passenger_df = pd.read_csv('')

passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C10 S
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.50 E25 C
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.00 G12 Q
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.00 A5 S
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.00 B15 S
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C

1. Assigning a scalar value to a new column

This will add a new column to our DataFrame with the supplied scalar values for all the rows. For example, we want to add a column for the discount given to all passengers of 0.15. We can add it in the following way.

# Add a new column in df
passenger_df['discount'] = 0.15

passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked discount
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.0 C10 S 0.15
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.5 E25 C 0.15
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.0 G12 Q 0.15
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.0 A5 S 0.15
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.0 B15 S 0.15

2. Adding a Series as a new column

So what if we want to add the owned status column using Series? We can use the method below. This will add a new column with the values from Series. Series must be the same length as the DataFrame.

# Create a Series
s = pd.Series(['Canceled', 'Active', 'Canceled', 'Active', 'Active'])

# Add the Series as a new column in the DataFrame
passenger_df['status'] = s

passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked discount status
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.0 C10 S 0.15 Canceled
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.5 E25 C 0.15 Active
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.0 G12 Q 0.15 Canceled
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.0 A5 S 0.15 Active
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.0 B15 S 0.15 Active

3. Adding a column with a calculated value

We can add new columns that are calculated from existing columns. After previously we added discount for all passengers, in this case we want to add a column to see the total fare after the discount.

passenger_df['totalFare'] = passenger_df['fare'] - (passenger_df['fare'] * passenger_df['discount'])

passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked discount status totalFare
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.0 C10 S 0.15 Canceled 42.500
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.5 E25 C 0.15 Active 25.925
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.0 G12 Q 0.15 Canceled 8.500
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.0 A5 S 0.15 Active 85.000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.0 B15 S 0.15 Active 17.000

Updating Columns

Updating a column in a DataFrame is similar to adding a new column. We assign the new values to the column we want to update. The new values could be a scalar, a Series, or a calculated value.

1. Updating a column with a scalar value

This will update the specified column with the supplied scalar value for all rows. For example, we want to change the amount of the discount given.

passenger_df['discount'] = 0.25

passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked discount status totalFare
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.0 C10 S 0.25 Canceled 42.500
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.5 E25 C 0.25 Active 25.925
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.0 G12 Q 0.25 Canceled 8.500
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.0 A5 S 0.25 Active 85.000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.0 B15 S 0.25 Active 17.000

2. Updating a column with a Series

This will update the specified column with the value from Series. Series must be the same length as the DataFrame. In this case, it turns out that we know that the status of some passengers is wrong and we want to replace it using the data series we have.

new_series = pd.Series(['Active', 'Active', 'Active', 'Active', 'Canceled', 'Active', 'Active', 'Canceled','Active', 'Active', 'Canceled', 'Active', 'Active', 'Canceled','Active', 'Canceled', 'Active', 'Active', 'Canceled','Active',])

passenger_df['status'] = new_series

passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked discount status totalFare
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C10 S 0.25 Active 42.5000
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.50 E25 C 0.25 Active 25.9250
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.00 G12 Q 0.25 Active 8.5000
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.00 A5 S 0.25 Active 85.0000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.00 B15 S 0.25 Canceled 17.0000
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 13.3875
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 68.4250
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 29.9625
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 7.2250
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 76.5000

3. Updating a column with a calculated value

We can update columns with values calculated from other columns. For example, after we change the amount of discount given, we also need to change the calculation format and amount.

passenger_df['totalFare'] = passenger_df['fare'] - (passenger_df['fare'] * passenger_df['discount']) 

passengerId class sex age ticket fare cabin embarked discount status totalFare
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C10 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.50 E25 C 0.25 Active 22.8750
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.00 G12 Q 0.25 Active 7.5000
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.00 A5 S 0.25 Active 75.0000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.00 B15 S 0.25 Canceled 15.0000
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 11.8125
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 6.3750
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000

Updating Column Name

At times, the naming of columns or features may lack consistency, possibly due to variations in letter case, among other factors. Maintaining a uniform naming convention enhances our efficiency when working with these features.

Let’s explore how we can modify or update the names of columns or features in our dataset. For example, we think that the column name sex is taboo or inappropriate, and we want to replace it with gender.

#update the column name
passenger_df = passenger_df.rename(columns = {'sex':'gender'})

passengerId class gender age ticket fare cabin embarked discount status totalFare
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.0 C10 S 0.25 Active 37.500
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.5 E25 C 0.25 Active 22.875
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.0 G12 Q 0.25 Active 7.500
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.0 A5 S 0.25 Active 75.000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.0 B15 S 0.25 Canceled 15.000

You can even update multiple column names at a single time. For that, you have to add other column names separated by a comma under the curl braces.

#multiple column update
passenger_df = passenger_df.rename(columns = {'ticket':'ticketNumber','cabin':'cabinNumber'})

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C10 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.50 E25 C 0.25 Active 22.8750
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.00 G12 Q 0.25 Active 7.5000
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.00 A5 S 0.25 Active 75.0000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.00 B15 S 0.25 Canceled 15.0000
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 11.8125
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 6.3750
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.25 Canceled 18.7500
11 12 Third Female 21 L24680 12.50 B30 Q 0.25 Active 9.3750
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.25 Canceled 30.1875
14 15 Third Male 20 O35790 7.50 E20 S 0.25 Active 5.6250
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.25 Active 16.5000
17 18 Third Female 26 R24680 13.50 H30 Q 0.25 Active 10.1250
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.25 Active 33.9375

Adding, Updating and Deleting Rows

Adding Rows

There are 2 ways to add rows into Pandas DataFrame object: 1. Use the DataFrame object’s loc attribute. 2. Use the DataFrame object’s concat method.

1. Adding Rows Using loc

What if we want to add the latest passenger data? One of them we can use loc as below. When adding a new row using loc, we can specify the index label of the new row. If this label doesn’t already exist, loc will add a new row with this label to the DataFrame.

new_row = {'passengerId': 21,
           'ticketNumber': 'F73925',
           'embarked': 'C',
           'discount': 0.25,
           'status': 'Active',
           'totalFare': 37.500}

passenger_df.loc[len(passenger_df)] = new_row

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C10 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.50 E25 C 0.25 Active 22.8750
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.00 G12 Q 0.25 Active 7.5000
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.00 A5 S 0.25 Active 75.0000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.00 B15 S 0.25 Canceled 15.0000
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 11.8125
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 6.3750
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.25 Canceled 18.7500
11 12 Third Female 21 L24680 12.50 B30 Q 0.25 Active 9.3750
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.25 Canceled 30.1875
14 15 Third Male 20 O35790 7.50 E20 S 0.25 Active 5.6250
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.25 Active 16.5000
17 18 Third Female 26 R24680 13.50 H30 Q 0.25 Active 10.1250
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.25 Active 33.9375
20 21 Third Male 30 F73925 35.00 A55 C 0.25 Active 37.5000

2. Adding Rows Using concat

Or if we have another DataFrame and want to add it to our existing DataFrame. We can use the concat function. The concat function is used to concat another DataFrame row to the end of the given DataFrame, returning a new DataFrame object.

new_rows = {'passengerId': [22, 23],
            'ticketNumber': ['G76201', 'H43599'],
            'cabinNumber':['B5', 'B6'],
            'embarked': ['C', 'S'],
            'discount':[0.25, 0.25],
            'status': ['Active','Active'],
            'totalFare': [37.500, 37.500]}

new_passenger_df = pd.DataFrame(data = new_rows)

passenger_df = pd.concat([passenger_df, new_passenger_df], ignore_index=True)

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
0 1 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C10 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
1 2 Second Female 25 B67890 30.50 E25 C 0.25 Active 22.8750
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.00 G12 Q 0.25 Active 7.5000
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.00 A5 S 0.25 Active 75.0000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.00 B15 S 0.25 Canceled 15.0000
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 11.8125
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 6.3750
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.25 Canceled 18.7500
11 12 Third Female 21 L24680 12.50 B30 Q 0.25 Active 9.3750
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.25 Canceled 30.1875
14 15 Third Male 20 O35790 7.50 E20 S 0.25 Active 5.6250
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.25 Active 16.5000
17 18 Third Female 26 R24680 13.50 H30 Q 0.25 Active 10.1250
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.25 Active 33.9375
20 21 Third Male 30 F73925 35.00 A55 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
21 22 First Male 30 G76201 50.00 B5 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
22 23 Third Female 30 H43599 35.00 B6 S 0.25 Active 37.5000

Updating Rows

You can update the values in a row using the loc indexer. The loc indexer is used to access a group of rows and columns by label(s) or a boolean array.

# Update a row
passenger_df.loc[0, ['passengerId', 'cabinNumber']] = [24, 'C1']
passenger_df.loc[1] = {'passengerId': 2, 'class':'Second', 'gender':'Female', 'age':'18', 'ticketNumber': 'B67890', 'fare':40, 'cabinNumber':'A1','embarked': 'Q', 'discount':0.25, 'status': 'Active', 'totalFare': 22.875}

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
0 24 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C1 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
1 2 Second Female 18 B67890 40.00 A1 Q 0.25 Active 22.8750
2 3 Third Male 18 C24680 10.00 G12 Q 0.25 Active 7.5000
3 4 First Female 40 D13579 100.00 A5 S 0.25 Active 75.0000
4 5 Second Male 35 E97531 20.00 B15 S 0.25 Canceled 15.0000
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 11.8125
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 6.3750
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.25 Canceled 18.7500
11 12 Third Female 21 L24680 12.50 B30 Q 0.25 Active 9.3750
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.25 Canceled 30.1875
14 15 Third Male 20 O35790 7.50 E20 S 0.25 Active 5.6250
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.25 Active 16.5000
17 18 Third Female 26 R24680 13.50 H30 Q 0.25 Active 10.1250
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.25 Active 33.9375
20 21 Third Male 30 F73925 35.00 A55 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
21 22 First Male 30 G76201 50.00 B5 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
22 23 Third Female 30 H43599 35.00 B6 S 0.25 Active 37.5000

Deleting/Dropping Rows

You can delete rows from your DataFrame using the drop() function. This function removes the row or column(s) you specify from your DataFrame. The axis parameter indicates whether you want to drop labels from the index (axis=0 or axis='index') or columns (axis=1 or axis='columns').

# deleting single row
passenger_df = passenger_df.drop(2, axis=0)

# deleting multiple rows
passenger_df = passenger_df.drop([3, 4], axis=0)

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
0 24 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C1 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
1 2 Second Female 18 B67890 40.00 A1 Q 0.25 Active 22.8750
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 11.8125
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 6.3750
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.25 Canceled 18.7500
11 12 Third Female 21 L24680 12.50 B30 Q 0.25 Active 9.3750
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.25 Canceled 30.1875
14 15 Third Male 20 O35790 7.50 E20 S 0.25 Active 5.6250
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.25 Active 16.5000
17 18 Third Female 26 R24680 13.50 H30 Q 0.25 Active 10.1250
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.25 Active 33.9375
20 21 Third Male 30 F73925 35.00 A55 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
21 22 First Male 30 G76201 50.00 B5 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
22 23 Third Female 30 H43599 35.00 B6 S 0.25 Active 37.5000

Sorting Data

Sorting data in a Pandas DataFrame is a common operation that can be done using the sort_values() function.

We can sort by one or more columns. For example, here we want to see the ticket prices paid by passengers by sorting them. Here’s how you do it:

# Sort by 'fare' in ascending order
df_asc = passenger_df.sort_values('fare')

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
14 15 Third Male 20 O35790 7.50 E20 S 0.25 Active 5.6250
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 6.3750
11 12 Third Female 21 L24680 12.50 B30 Q 0.25 Active 9.3750
17 18 Third Female 26 R24680 13.50 H30 Q 0.25 Active 10.1250
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 11.8125
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.25 Active 16.5000
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.25 Canceled 18.7500
22 23 Third Female 30 H43599 35.00 B6 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
20 21 Third Male 30 F73925 35.00 A55 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375
# Sort by 'fare' in descending order
df_desc = passenger_df.sort_values('fare', ascending=False)

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
0 24 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C1 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
21 22 First Male 30 G76201 50.00 B5 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.25 Active 33.9375
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.25 Canceled 30.1875
1 2 Second Female 18 B67890 40.00 A1 Q 0.25 Active 22.8750

We can also sort by multiple columns:

# Sort by 'class' and then 'cabinNumber', both in ascending order
df_sorted = passenger_df.sort_values(['class', 'cabinNumber'])

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
21 22 First Male 30 G76201 50.00 B5 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
0 24 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C1 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
1 2 Second Female 18 B67890 40.00 A1 Q 0.25 Active 22.8750
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.25 Canceled 18.7500
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.25 Canceled 30.1875
# Sort by 'class' in ascending order, then 'cabinNumber' in descending order
df_sorted = passenger_df.sort_values(['class', 'cabinNumber'], ascending=[True, False])

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
0 24 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C1 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
21 22 First Male 30 G76201 50.00 B5 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.25 Active 33.9375
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.25 Active 16.5000
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375

After sorting, if you want to reset the index, we can use the reset_index() function:

df_sorted = df_sorted.reset_index(drop=True)

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
0 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.25 Canceled 52.8750
1 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.25 Active 67.5000
2 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.25 Canceled 71.2500
3 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.25 Active 60.3750
4 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.25 Active 56.6250
5 24 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C1 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
6 22 First Male 30 G76201 50.00 B5 C 0.25 Active 37.5000
7 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.25 Active 33.9375
8 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.25 Active 16.5000
9 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.25 Canceled 26.4375
10 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.25 Canceled 30.1875
11 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.25 Canceled 18.7500
12 2 Second Female 18 B67890 40.00 A1 Q 0.25 Active 22.8750
13 18 Third Female 26 R24680 13.50 H30 Q 0.25 Active 10.1250
14 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.25 Active 6.3750
15 15 Third Male 20 O35790 7.50 E20 S 0.25 Active 5.6250
16 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.25 Active 11.8125
17 23 Third Female 30 H43599 35.00 B6 S 0.25 Active 37.5000
18 12 Third Female 21 L24680 12.50 B30 Q 0.25 Active 9.3750
19 21 Third Male 30 F73925 35.00 A55 C 0.25 Active 37.5000

Operations on DataFrames

Arithmetic operations

Arithmetic operations can be performed on the numeric columns in DataFrame.

passenger_df['discount'] = passenger_df['discount'] + 0.1
passenger_df['totalFare'] = passenger_df['fare'] - (passenger_df['fare'] * passenger_df['discount']) 
passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
0 24 First Male 32 A12345 50.00 C1 S 0.35 Active 32.5000
1 2 Second Female 18 B67890 40.00 A1 Q 0.35 Active 26.0000
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 15.75 C30 Q 0.35 Active 10.2375
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 80.50 D8 C 0.35 Active 52.3250
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 35.25 E12 S 0.35 Canceled 22.9125
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 8.50 F20 S 0.35 Active 5.5250
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 90.00 G5 C 0.35 Active 58.5000
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 25.00 A20 S 0.35 Canceled 16.2500
11 12 Third Female 21 L24680 12.50 B30 Q 0.35 Active 8.1250
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 75.50 C8 S 0.35 Active 49.0750
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 40.25 D12 C 0.35 Canceled 26.1625
14 15 Third Male 20 O35790 7.50 E20 S 0.35 Active 4.8750
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 95.00 F5 S 0.35 Canceled 61.7500
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 22.00 G20 S 0.35 Active 14.3000
17 18 Third Female 26 R24680 13.50 H30 Q 0.35 Active 8.7750
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 70.50 I8 C 0.35 Canceled 45.8250
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 45.25 J12 S 0.35 Active 29.4125
20 21 Third Male 30 F73925 35.00 A55 C 0.35 Active 22.7500
21 22 First Male 30 G76201 50.00 B5 C 0.35 Active 32.5000
22 23 Third Female 30 H43599 35.00 B6 S 0.35 Active 22.7500

Arithmetic operations are essential in feature engineering where you create new features from existing ones to provide more information to your machine learning models.

Aggregation Functions

Aggregation functions in DataFrames are used to perform mathematical computations on groups of data. These functions provide a way to perform operations on groups of values, summarizing the information.

Common aggregation functions include:

  • count(): Returns the number of non-null values in each DataFrame column.

  • sum(): Returns the sum of the values for each column.

  • mean(): Returns the mean of the values for each column.

  • median(): Returns the median of the values for each column.

  • min(): Returns the minimum of the values for each column.

  • max(): Returns the maximum of the values for each column.

  • std(): Returns the standard deviation of the values for each column.

  • var(): Returns the variance of values for each column.

  • first(): Returns the first of the values for each column.

  • last(): Returns the last of the values for each column.

passenger_df['age'] = passenger_df['age'].astype(int)

# get the mean of 'Age'
mean_age = passenger_df['age'].mean()
print('Mean age: ',mean_age)

# get the standard deviation of 'Age'
std_age = passenger_df['age'].std()
print('std age: ',std_age)

# get the summary statistics of the dataframe
summary = passenger_df.describe()
Mean age:  31.95
std age:  11.966950101711047
passengerId age fare discount totalFare
count 20.000000 20.00000 20.000000 2.000000e+01 20.000000
mean 14.350000 31.95000 42.350000 3.500000e-01 27.527500
std 6.200806 11.96695 27.327979 1.139065e-16 17.763186
min 2.000000 18.00000 7.500000 3.500000e-01 4.875000
25% 9.750000 23.50000 20.437500 3.500000e-01 13.284375
50% 14.500000 30.00000 37.625000 3.500000e-01 24.456250
75% 19.250000 34.25000 55.125000 3.500000e-01 35.831250
max 24.000000 60.00000 95.000000 3.500000e-01 61.750000

This is often the first step in any data analysis process to understand the distribution and central tendencies of the data.

Applying Functions in DataFrames

Applying functions is a way to perform operations on a DataFrame or a series (column of a DataFrame). This is done using the apply() function in Pandas. The apply() function takes a function as an argument and applies this function to an entire DataFrame or series.


When used on a DataFrame, apply() applies the function to each column of the DataFrame (default behavior), returning a series where each element is the result of applying the function to a column. If you want to apply the function to each row, you can set the axis parameter to 1.

For example, here we want to make a recent fare adjustment by increasing the fare by 5 dollars. Then, we also need to make adjustments to the totalFare. We can do it in the following way.

# Add passenger 'fare' by adding 5 to the 'fare'
passenger_df['fare'] = passenger_df['fare'].apply(lambda x: x + 5)

# Define the function to be applied
def calculate_total_fare(row):
    return row['fare'] - (row['fare'] * row['discount'])

# Use the function on every row in the dataframe
passenger_df['totalFare'] = passenger_df.apply(calculate_total_fare, axis=1)

passengerId class gender age ticketNumber fare cabinNumber embarked discount status totalFare
0 24 First Male 32 A12345 55.00 C1 S 0.35 Active 35.7500
1 2 Second Female 18 B67890 45.00 A1 Q 0.35 Active 29.2500
5 6 Third Female 28 F86420 20.75 C30 Q 0.35 Active 13.4875
6 7 First Male 50 G75319 85.50 D8 C 0.35 Active 55.5750
7 8 Second Female 22 H64208 40.25 E12 S 0.35 Canceled 26.1625
8 9 Third Male 19 I35790 13.50 F20 S 0.35 Active 8.7750
9 10 First Female 45 J86420 95.00 G5 C 0.35 Active 61.7500
10 11 Second Male 30 K97531 30.00 A20 S 0.35 Canceled 19.5000
11 12 Third Female 21 L24680 17.50 B30 Q 0.35 Active 11.3750
12 13 First Male 55 M75319 80.50 C8 S 0.35 Active 52.3250
13 14 Second Female 28 N64208 45.25 D12 C 0.35 Canceled 29.4125
14 15 Third Male 20 O35790 12.50 E20 S 0.35 Active 8.1250
15 16 First Female 38 P86420 100.00 F5 S 0.35 Canceled 65.0000
16 17 Second Male 33 Q97531 27.00 G20 S 0.35 Active 17.5500
17 18 Third Female 26 R24680 18.50 H30 Q 0.35 Active 12.0250
18 19 First Male 60 S75319 75.50 I8 C 0.35 Canceled 49.0750
19 20 Second Female 24 T64208 50.25 J12 S 0.35 Active 32.6625
20 21 Third Male 30 F73925 40.00 A55 C 0.35 Active 26.0000
21 22 First Male 30 G76201 55.00 B5 C 0.35 Active 35.7500
22 23 Third Female 30 H43599 40.00 B6 S 0.35 Active 26.0000

Introduction to Data Cleaning

What is Data Cleaning?

Data cleaning, also known as data cleansing or data scrubbing, is the process of identifying and correcting or removing errors, inaccuracies, and inconsistencies in datasets.

This process is crucial in improving the quality and reliability of data, which is particularly important in data analysis and machine learning models where the output quality is directly dependent on the input quality.

In the context of the Python programming language, the Pandas library is often used for data cleaning. Pandas is a powerful data manipulation tool that provides functions for reading, writing, and modifying datasets.

Why is Data Cleaning Important?

Data cleaning is a critical step in the data analysis process for several reasons:

  1. Improving Data Quality: Raw data often contains errors, outliers, or inconsistencies that can distort analysis results. Data cleaning helps to ensure that the data used for analysis is accurate and reliable.

  2. Enhancing Data Accuracy: Inaccurate data can lead to inaccurate conclusions. By cleaning data, you can ensure that your analyses and models are based on the most accurate information possible.

  3. Boosting Efficiency: Clean data is easier to work with and can make data analysis processes more efficient.

  4. Better Decision Making: Clean data leads to more reliable analysis, which in turn leads to better decision-making. This is particularly important in fields like business or research where decisions need to be data-driven.

  5. Ensuring Compliance: In some industries, maintaining clean data is a regulatory requirement. Data cleaning can help ensure compliance with these regulations.

Data Cleaning Process

data-cleaning-in-data-science.png (Sumber: knowledgehut)

Handling Missing Data in Pandas

Missing data is a common issue in data analysis. It refers to the absence of data in a column of a dataset. In Python’s Pandas library, missing data is represented by NaN (Not a Number) or None.

Detecting Missing Data

Pandas provides the isnull() and notnull() functions to detect missing data. These functions return a Boolean mask indicating whether each element in the DataFrame is missing or not.

Let’s take a look at the customer data we used earlier. We will find out if there is missing data in the customer data that we have.

import pandas as pd

airbnb_df = pd.read_csv('')
id name host_id host_identity_verified host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood country country_code instant_bookable room_type construction_year price service_fee minimum_nights number_of_reviews review_rate_number calculated_host_listings_count license
0 1001254.0 Clean & quiet apt home by the park 8.001449e+10 unconfirmed Madaline Brooklyn Kensington United States US False Private room 2020.0 $966 $193 10.0 9.0 4.0 6.0 NaN
1 1002102.0 Skylit Midtown Castle 5.233517e+10 verified Jenna Manhattan Midtown United States US False Entire home/apt 2007.0 $142 $28 30.0 45.0 4.0 2.0 NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1002403.0 THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK ! 7.882924e+10 NaN Elise Manhattan Harlem United States US True Private room 2005.0 $620 $124 3.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 NaN
4 1002755.0 NaN 8.509833e+10 unconfirmed Garry Brooklyn Clinton Hill United States US True Entire home/apt 2005.0 $368 $74 30.0 270.0 4.0 1.0 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3631 2998453.0 Upper West Side elegance. Riverside 3.204065e+10 unconfirmed Poppi Manhattan Upper West Side United States US False Entire home/apt 2008.0 $620 $124 1.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 NaN
3632 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3633 2999005.0 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 4.074627e+10 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3.0 90.0 2.0 1.0 NaN
3634 2999005.0 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 4.074627e+10 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3.0 90.0 2.0 1.0 NaN
3635 2999557.0 Exclusive Upper East Side Studio 2.446375e+10 verified Ellen Manhattan Upper East Side United States US True Entire home/apt 2022.0 $655 $131 1.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 NaN

3636 rows × 19 columns

# Detect missing values
id name host_id host_identity_verified host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood country country_code instant_bookable room_type construction_year price service_fee minimum_nights number_of_reviews review_rate_number calculated_host_listings_count license
0 False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True
1 False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True
2 True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True
3 False False False True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True
4 False True False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3631 False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True
3632 True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True
3633 False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True
3634 False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True
3635 False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False True

3636 rows × 19 columns

This will print a DataFrame with the same size as the original, but with True in place where the original DataFrame had NaN or None, and False elsewhere. as can be seen that the row with index 2 has a value of true in each column, which means that there is missing data in that row.

To be clear, if we want to know the amount and percentage of missing data, we can do it in the following way:

# Calculate the total amount of missing data
total = airbnb_df.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)

# Calculates the percentage of missing data
persentase = (airbnb_df.isnull().sum()/airbnb_df.isnull().count()*100).sort_values(ascending=False)

# Creates a new DataFrame to display the results
missing_data = pd.concat([total, persentase], axis=1, keys=['Total', 'Persentase'])

Total Persentase
license 3636 100.000000
construction_year 138 3.795380
review_rate_number 96 2.640264
minimum_nights 87 2.392739
country_code 82 2.255226
instant_bookable 82 2.255226
host_identity_verified 78 2.145215
name 60 1.650165
country 53 1.457646
neighbourhood_group 31 0.852585
host_name 23 0.632563
neighbourhood 19 0.522552
service_fee 18 0.495050
calculated_host_listings_count 18 0.495050
price 14 0.385039
number_of_reviews 10 0.275028
room_type 3 0.082508
host_id 3 0.082508
id 3 0.082508

Dropping Missing Data

Pandas provides the dropna() function to remove missing data. By default, dropna() removes any row containing at least one missing value.

However, dropna() is more flexible than this. It provides several parameters that allow you to control how missing values are dropped:

  1. Axis: By default, dropna() drops rows (axis=0). But you can also make it drop columns by setting axis=1. py # Drop columns with missing values df_dropped = df.dropna(axis=1) This will drop any column that contains at least one missing value.

  2. How: By default, dropna() drops a row or column if it contains any missing values (how='any'). But you can also make it drop only rows or columns where all values are missing by setting how='all'.

    # Drop rows where all values are missing
    df_dropped = df.dropna(how='all')

    This will drop any row where all values are missing.

  3. Subset: You can specify a subset of columns to consider when dropping rows.

    # Drop rows where 'house_rules' is missing
    df_dropped = df.dropna(subset=['house_rules'])

    This will drop any row where ‘house_rules’ is missing.

  4. Inplace: By default, dropna() returns a new DataFrame and leaves the original unchanged. If you want to modify the original DataFrame, you can set inplace=True.

    # Drop rows with missing values in the original DataFrame

    This will drop rows with missing values directly in the original DataFrame.

As seen earlier the license column and some rows have no data at all, we will try to remove them using dropna().

# Drop the column 'license' which has no data at all
airbnb_df = airbnb_df.drop(['license'], axis=1)

# Drop any line where 'id', 'name', 'host_id' and 'host_name' are missing
airbnb_df = airbnb_df.dropna(subset=['id', 'name', 'host_id', 'host_name'])

# Drop rows where all values are missing
airbnb_df = airbnb_df.dropna(how='all')

id name host_id host_identity_verified host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood country country_code instant_bookable room_type construction_year price service_fee minimum_nights number_of_reviews review_rate_number calculated_host_listings_count
0 1001254.0 Clean & quiet apt home by the park 8.001449e+10 unconfirmed Madaline Brooklyn Kensington United States US False Private room 2020.0 $966 $193 10.0 9.0 4.0 6.0
1 1002102.0 Skylit Midtown Castle 5.233517e+10 verified Jenna Manhattan Midtown United States US False Entire home/apt 2007.0 $142 $28 30.0 45.0 4.0 2.0
3 1002403.0 THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK ! 7.882924e+10 NaN Elise Manhattan Harlem United States US True Private room 2005.0 $620 $124 3.0 0.0 5.0 1.0
5 1003689.0 Entire Apt: Spacious Studio/Loft by central park 9.203760e+10 verified Lyndon Manhattan East Harlem United States US False Entire home/apt 2009.0 $204 $41 10.0 9.0 3.0 1.0
6 1004098.0 Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East 4.549855e+10 verified Michelle Manhattan Murray Hill United States US True Entire home/apt 2013.0 $577 $115 3.0 74.0 3.0 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3630 2997901.0 Brooklyn NY, Comfy,Spacious Repose! 5.626794e+10 verified Benjamin Brooklyn Bushwick United States US False Private room 2007.0 $767 $153 3.0 40.0 2.0 1.0
3631 2998453.0 Upper West Side elegance. Riverside 3.204065e+10 unconfirmed Poppi Manhattan Upper West Side United States US False Entire home/apt 2008.0 $620 $124 1.0 5.0 1.0 2.0
3633 2999005.0 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 4.074627e+10 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3.0 90.0 2.0 1.0
3634 2999005.0 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 4.074627e+10 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3.0 90.0 2.0 1.0
3635 2999557.0 Exclusive Upper East Side Studio 2.446375e+10 verified Ellen Manhattan Upper East Side United States US True Entire home/apt 2022.0 $655 $131 1.0 0.0 5.0 1.0

3562 rows × 18 columns

This will remove the licence column and row where all values are missing as well as rows from the id, name, host_id and host_name columns which have missing data.

Filling Missing Data in Pandas

Instead of dropping missing values, we can also fill them with some value using the fillna() function. Pandas provides the fillna() function to fill missing values in a DataFrame. This function is highly flexible and allows you to fill missing values in a variety of ways.

However, fillna() provides several parameters that allow you to control how missing values are filled:

  1. Value: This is the value that will replace missing values. It can be a constant, or a dictionary, Series, or DataFrame that specifies different fill values for different columns.

    # Fill missing values with different values for different columns
    df_filled = df.fillna({'construction_year': 'unknown', 'minimum_nights': df['minimum_nights'].mean()})
  2. Method: This specifies the method to use to fill missing values. Options include ‘forward fill’ (ffill or pad), which fills missing values with the previous value in the column, and ‘backward fill’ (bfill or backfill), which fills missing values with the next value in the column.

    # Forward fill
    df_filled = df.fillna(method='ffill')
    # Backward fill
    df_filled = df.fillna(method='bfill')
  3. Axis: By default, fillna() fills missing values along the rows (axis=0). But you can also make it fill along the columns by setting axis=1.

    # Forward fill along columns
    df_filled = df.fillna(method='ffill', axis=1)
  4. Inplace: By default, fillna() returns a new DataFrame and leaves the original unchanged. If you want to modify the original DataFrame, you can set inplace=True.

    # Fill missing values in the original DataFrame
    df.fillna("Unknown", inplace=True)

As seen earlier, some of the columns have missing values. Now we will try to fill in the missing values using fillna().

airbnb_df = airbnb_df.fillna({
'construction_year': 'unknown',
'review_rate_number': airbnb_df['review_rate_number'].mean(),
'minimum_nights': airbnb_df['minimum_nights'].mean(),
'instant_bookable': 'unknown',
'country_code': 'unknown',
'host_identity_verified': 'unknown',
'country': 'unknown',
'neighbourhood_group': 'unknown',
'neighbourhood': 'unknown',
'service_fee': 'unknown',
'calculated_host_listings_count': airbnb_df['calculated_host_listings_count'].mean(),
'price': 'unknown',
'number_of_reviews': airbnb_df['number_of_reviews'].mean(),

id name host_id host_identity_verified host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood country country_code instant_bookable room_type construction_year price service_fee minimum_nights number_of_reviews review_rate_number calculated_host_listings_count
0 1001254.0 Clean & quiet apt home by the park 8.001449e+10 unconfirmed Madaline Brooklyn Kensington United States US False Private room 2020.0 $966 $193 10.0 9.0 4.0 6.0
1 1002102.0 Skylit Midtown Castle 5.233517e+10 verified Jenna Manhattan Midtown United States US False Entire home/apt 2007.0 $142 $28 30.0 45.0 4.0 2.0
3 1002403.0 THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK ! 7.882924e+10 unknown Elise Manhattan Harlem United States US True Private room 2005.0 $620 $124 3.0 0.0 5.0 1.0
5 1003689.0 Entire Apt: Spacious Studio/Loft by central park 9.203760e+10 verified Lyndon Manhattan East Harlem United States US False Entire home/apt 2009.0 $204 $41 10.0 9.0 3.0 1.0
6 1004098.0 Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East 4.549855e+10 verified Michelle Manhattan Murray Hill United States US True Entire home/apt 2013.0 $577 $115 3.0 74.0 3.0 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3630 2997901.0 Brooklyn NY, Comfy,Spacious Repose! 5.626794e+10 verified Benjamin Brooklyn Bushwick United States US False Private room 2007.0 $767 $153 3.0 40.0 2.0 1.0
3631 2998453.0 Upper West Side elegance. Riverside 3.204065e+10 unconfirmed Poppi Manhattan Upper West Side United States US False Entire home/apt 2008.0 $620 $124 1.0 5.0 1.0 2.0
3633 2999005.0 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 4.074627e+10 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3.0 90.0 2.0 1.0
3634 2999005.0 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 4.074627e+10 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3.0 90.0 2.0 1.0
3635 2999557.0 Exclusive Upper East Side Studio 2.446375e+10 verified Ellen Manhattan Upper East Side United States US True Entire home/apt 2022.0 $655 $131 1.0 0.0 5.0 1.0

3562 rows × 18 columns

This will fill in missing values in the review_rate_number , minimum_nights, calculated_host_listings_count and number_of_reviews columns with the average and missing values in the other columns with unknown.

Data Type Conversion in Pandas

Data type conversion, also known as type casting, is an important step in data cleaning. It involves converting data from one type to another. This is often necessary because the type of data that Pandas infers upon loading a dataset might not always be what you want.

Converting Data Types in Pandas

Data type conversion is a crucial step in data cleaning, especially when the data is imported from various sources which may categorize data in different types. Pandas provides the astype() function to convert data types.

As can be seen, the data in the id, host_id, minimum_nights, number_of_reviews,review_rate_number, and calculated_host_listings_count columns are of the float data type. We will convert the data into an integer using astype() function.

# Change the column with the value `float` to `int`
airbnb_df[['id', 'host_id', 'minimum_nights', 'number_of_reviews','review_rate_number','calculated_host_listings_count']] = airbnb_df[['id', 'host_id', 'minimum_nights', 'number_of_reviews','review_rate_number','calculated_host_listings_count']].astype(int)

id name host_id host_identity_verified host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood country country_code instant_bookable room_type construction_year price service_fee minimum_nights number_of_reviews review_rate_number calculated_host_listings_count
0 1001254 Clean & quiet apt home by the park 80014485718 unconfirmed Madaline Brooklyn Kensington United States US False Private room 2020.0 $966 $193 10 9 4 6
1 1002102 Skylit Midtown Castle 52335172823 verified Jenna Manhattan Midtown United States US False Entire home/apt 2007.0 $142 $28 30 45 4 2
3 1002403 THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK ! 78829239556 unknown Elise Manhattan Harlem United States US True Private room 2005.0 $620 $124 3 0 5 1
5 1003689 Entire Apt: Spacious Studio/Loft by central park 92037596077 verified Lyndon Manhattan East Harlem United States US False Entire home/apt 2009.0 $204 $41 10 9 3 1
6 1004098 Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East 45498551794 verified Michelle Manhattan Murray Hill United States US True Entire home/apt 2013.0 $577 $115 3 74 3 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3630 2997901 Brooklyn NY, Comfy,Spacious Repose! 56267937797 verified Benjamin Brooklyn Bushwick United States US False Private room 2007.0 $767 $153 3 40 2 1
3631 2998453 Upper West Side elegance. Riverside 32040648122 unconfirmed Poppi Manhattan Upper West Side United States US False Entire home/apt 2008.0 $620 $124 1 5 1 2
3633 2999005 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 40746270692 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3 90 2 1
3634 2999005 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 40746270692 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3 90 2 1
3635 2999557 Exclusive Upper East Side Studio 24463750542 verified Ellen Manhattan Upper East Side United States US True Entire home/apt 2022.0 $655 $131 1 0 5 1

3562 rows × 18 columns

Removing Duplicates in Pandas

Duplicate data can occur in your DataFrame for a variety of reasons, and it’s often necessary to remove these duplicates in order to perform accurate analysis.

Identifying Duplicates

Pandas provides the duplicated() function to identify duplicate rows. This function returns a Boolean Series that is True for each row that is a duplicate of a previous row and False otherwise.

Now we will find out if there are duplicate data in the customer data that we have.

# Identify duplicate rows
0       False
1       False
3       False
5       False
6       False
3630     True
3631    False
3633    False
3634     True
3635    False
Length: 3562, dtype: bool

By default, duplicated() considers all columns. If you look at the results, there is some duplicate data.

Removing Duplicates

Pandas provides the drop_duplicates() function to remove duplicate rows. This function returns a new DataFrame where duplicate rows have been removed. By default, drop_duplicates() considers all columns and keeps the first occurrence of each duplicate. If you want to consider only certain columns when dropping duplicates, or if you want to keep the last occurrence instead, you can pass arguments.

# Remove duplicate rows in the original DataFrame

id name host_id host_identity_verified host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood country country_code instant_bookable room_type construction_year price service_fee minimum_nights number_of_reviews review_rate_number calculated_host_listings_count
3628 2997348 East Village Studio 29175111219 unconfirmed Sheila Manhattan East Village United States US True Entire home/apt 2010.0 $297 $59 4 216 1 1
3629 2997901 Brooklyn NY, Comfy,Spacious Repose! 56267937797 verified Benjamin Brooklyn Bushwick United States US False Private room 2007.0 $767 $153 3 40 2 1
3631 2998453 Upper West Side elegance. Riverside 32040648122 unconfirmed Poppi Manhattan Upper West Side United States US False Entire home/apt 2008.0 $620 $124 1 5 1 2
3633 2999005 BIG, BRIGHT, STYLISH + CONVENIENT 40746270692 unconfirmed Kerstin Brooklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant United States US True Private room 2020.0 $674 $135 3 90 2 1
3635 2999557 Exclusive Upper East Side Studio 24463750542 verified Ellen Manhattan Upper East Side United States US True Entire home/apt 2022.0 $655 $131 1 0 5 1

Now, duplicate data has been removed. Remember, it’s important to understand your data and your specific use case before removing duplicates. Sometimes, what appears to be a duplicate might actually be valid data.

Outlier Detection and Treatment in Pandas

Outliers are data points that are significantly different from other observations. They can be caused by variability in the data or experimental errors. Outliers can skew statistical measures and data distributions, leading to misleading results.

Detecting Outliers

There are several ways to detect outliers. A common method is to use the IQR (interquartile range) rule. The IQR is the range between the first quartile (25th percentile) and the third quartile (75th percentile) of the data.

Any data point that falls below the first quartile minus 1.5 times the IQR or above the third quartile plus 1.5 times the IQR is considered an outlier.

In this case we want to find out which hosts have the best value, but there are differences in data in the number_of_reviews column, therefore we need to identify which data are outliers.

Here’s how to detect outliers in the number_of_reviews column using IQR rules:

Q1 = airbnb_df['number_of_reviews'].quantile(0.25)
Q3 = airbnb_df['number_of_reviews'].quantile(0.75)
IQR = Q3 - Q1

# Define bounds
lower_bound = Q1 - 1.5 * IQR
upper_bound = Q3 + 1.5 * IQR
print(f"lower bound: {lower_bound}")
print(f"upper bound: {upper_bound}")
lower bound: -113.5
upper bound: 210.5

After we determine the lower and upper bound, we will identify which data are outliers in our dataframe.

# Identify outliers
outliers = airbnb_df[(airbnb_df['number_of_reviews'] < lower_bound) | (airbnb_df['number_of_reviews'] > upper_bound)]

id name host_id host_identity_verified host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood country country_code instant_bookable room_type construction_year price service_fee minimum_nights number_of_reviews review_rate_number calculated_host_listings_count
10 1005754 Large Furnished Room Near B'way 79384379533 verified Evelyn Manhattan Hell's Kitchen United States US True Private room 2005.0 $1,018 $204 2 430 3 1
21 1011277 Chelsea Perfect 73862528370 verified Alberta Manhattan Chelsea United States unknown unknown Private room 2008.0 $460 unknown 1 260 3 1
34 1018457 front room/double bed 69410526955 unconfirmed Byron Manhattan Harlem United States unknown unknown Private room 2004.0 $770 $154 3 242 3 3
37 1020114 back room/bunk beds 25066620900 verified Alfred Manhattan Harlem United States unknown unknown Private room 2021.0 $545 $109 3 273 3 3
41 1022323 Cute apt in artist's home 88653822946 verified Joyce Brooklyn Bushwick United States US True Entire home/apt 2005.0 $1,097 $219 2 231 3 2

In this example, outliers is a DataFrame that contains all rows in airbnb_df where number_of_reviews is an outlier.

Based on the previous results, data with id 1005754 is outlier data because it has number_of_reviews with a number above upper_bound (upper_bound = 210.5) of 430.

airbnb_df.set_index('id', inplace=True)
outlier_data = airbnb_df.loc[1005754]

name                              Large Furnished Room Near B'way
host_id                                               79384379533
host_identity_verified                                   verified
host_name                                                  Evelyn
neighbourhood_group                                     Manhattan
neighbourhood                                      Hell's Kitchen
country                                             United States
country_code                                                   US
instant_bookable                                             True
room_type                                            Private room
construction_year                                          2005.0
price                                                     $1,018 
service_fee                                                 $204 
minimum_nights                                                  2
number_of_reviews                                             430
review_rate_number                                              3
calculated_host_listings_count                                  1
Name: 1005754, dtype: object

Treating Outliers

Once you’ve detected outliers, you need to decide how to handle them. There are several strategies for this: - Removing outliers: If you’re confident that the outliers are due to errors, you might choose to remove them. - Capping outliers: Instead of removing outliers, you might choose to cap them at the lower and upper bounds. - Imputing outliers: Another strategy is to replace outliers with some imputed value, like the mean or median.

Removing Outliers

If you’re confident that the outliers in your data are due to errors, you might choose to remove them. This can be done using boolean indexing to create a new DataFrame that only includes rows where the value is not an outlier.

# Remove outliers
df_no_outliers = airbnb_df[(airbnb_df['number_of_reviews'] >= lower_bound) & (airbnb_df['number_of_reviews'] <= upper_bound)]

name host_id host_identity_verified host_name neighbourhood_group neighbourhood country country_code instant_bookable room_type construction_year price service_fee minimum_nights number_of_reviews review_rate_number calculated_host_listings_count
1001254 Clean & quiet apt home by the park 80014485718 unconfirmed Madaline Brooklyn Kensington United States US False Private room 2020.0 $966 $193 10 9 4 6
1002102 Skylit Midtown Castle 52335172823 verified Jenna Manhattan Midtown United States US False Entire home/apt 2007.0 $142 $28 30 45 4 2
1002403 THE VILLAGE OF HARLEM....NEW YORK ! 78829239556 unknown Elise Manhattan Harlem United States US True Private room 2005.0 $620 $124 3 0 5 1
1003689 Entire Apt: Spacious Studio/Loft by central park 92037596077 verified Lyndon Manhattan East Harlem United States US False Entire home/apt 2009.0 $204 $41 10 9 3 1
1004098 Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East 45498551794 verified Michelle Manhattan Murray Hill United States US True Entire home/apt 2013.0 $577 $115 3 74 3 1

In this example, df_no_outliers is a new DataFrame where all outliers in the number_of_reviews column have been removed.

Capping Outliers

Instead of removing outliers, you might choose to cap them at the lower and upper bounds. This can be done using the clip() function, which caps values below a lower threshold at the lower threshold and values above an upper threshold at the upper threshold.

# Cap outliers
df_capped = airbnb_df.copy()
df_capped['number_of_reviews'] = df_capped['number_of_reviews'].clip(lower_bound, upper_bound)

outlier_data_capped = df_capped.loc[1005754]

name                              Large Furnished Room Near B'way
host_id                                               79384379533
host_identity_verified                                   verified
host_name                                                  Evelyn
neighbourhood_group                                     Manhattan
neighbourhood                                      Hell's Kitchen
country                                             United States
country_code                                                   US
instant_bookable                                             True
room_type                                            Private room
construction_year                                          2005.0
price                                                     $1,018 
service_fee                                                 $204 
minimum_nights                                                  2
number_of_reviews                                           210.5
review_rate_number                                              3
calculated_host_listings_count                                  1
Name: 1005754, dtype: object

In this example, df_capped is a new DataFrame with all outliers in the number_of_reviews column bounded at the bottom and top bounds. If you pay attention, the data with id 1005754 now has a value of number_of_reviews which has been adjusted to upper_bound of 210.5.

Imputing Outliers

Another strategy is to replace outliers with some imputed value, like the mean, median, or mode. This can be done using boolean indexing to replace outlier values.

# Impute outliers with the median
df_imputed = airbnb_df.copy()
df_imputed.loc[(df_imputed['number_of_reviews'] < lower_bound) | (df_imputed['number_of_reviews'] > upper_bound), 'number_of_reviews'] = df_imputed['number_of_reviews'].median()

outlier_data_imputed = df_imputed.loc[1005754]

name                              Large Furnished Room Near B'way
host_id                                               79384379533
host_identity_verified                                   verified
host_name                                                  Evelyn
neighbourhood_group                                     Manhattan
neighbourhood                                      Hell's Kitchen
country                                             United States
country_code                                                   US
instant_bookable                                             True
room_type                                            Private room
construction_year                                          2005.0
price                                                     $1,018 
service_fee                                                 $204 
minimum_nights                                                  2
number_of_reviews                                              30
review_rate_number                                              3
calculated_host_listings_count                                  1
Name: 1005754, dtype: object

In this example, df_imputed is a new DataFrame where all outliers in the number_of_reviews column have been replaced with the median.

Exercise Pandas

!pip install rggrader
# @title #### Student Identity
student_id = "your student id" # @param {type:"string"}
name = "your name" # @param {type:"string"}
# @title #### 00. Filtering Data
from rggrader import submit
import pandas as pd

students = {
    'Name': ['Eric', 'Clay', 'Edward', 'Paul', 'Tara', 'Cris'],
    'Math': [60, 76, 90, 55, 69, 88],
    'Economy': [77, 83, 66, 71, 88, 91]
students_df = pd.DataFrame(students)

# TODO: Filter students data where 'Math' and 'Economy' score are greater than 75
# Put your code here:
filtered_students = none

# ---- End of your code ----

# Submit Method
assignment_id = "00_pandas"
question_id = "00_filtering-data"
submit(student_id, name, assignment_id, filtered_students.to_string(), question_id)

# Expected Output:
#    Name  Math  Economy
# 1  Clay    76       83
# 5  Cris    88       91
# @title #### 01. Replace Characters in string
from rggrader import submit
import pandas as pd

cars = {
    'Name': ['NSX', 'Supra', 'WRZ', 'Jesko', 'Veyron', 'P1'],
    'Power': ['500HP', '512HP', '510HP', '700HP', '800HP', '600HP'],
cars_df = pd.DataFrame(cars)

# TODO: Replace 'HP' character in 'Power' column
# Put your code here:

# ---- End of your code ----

# Submit Method
assignment_id = "00_pandas"
question_id = "01_replace-characters-in-string"
submit(student_id, name, assignment_id, cars_df.to_string(), question_id)

# Expected Output:
#      Name Power
# 0     NSX   500
# 1   Supra   512
# 2     WRZ   510
# 3   Jesko   700
# 4  Veyron   800
# 5      P1   600
# @title #### 03. Fill missing value
# from rggrader import submit
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

athletes = {
    'Name': ['Eric', 'Clay', 'Edward', 'Paul', 'Tara', 'Cris'],
    'Medals': [7, 4, np.NaN, 5, 8, np.NaN],
athletes_df = pd.DataFrame(athletes)

# TODO: Fill the missing data in the 'Medals' column using the average of values
# Put your code here: 

# ---- End of your code ----

# Submit Method
assignment_id = "00_pandas"
question_id = "02_fill-missing-value"
submit(student_id, name, assignment_id, athletes_df.to_string(), question_id)

# Expected Output:
#      Name  Medals
# 0    Eric     7.0
# 1    Clay     4.0
# 2  Edward     6.0
# 3    Paul     5.0
# 4    Tara     8.0
# 5    Cris     6.0
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