

Elasticsearch (Source: technocratsid.com)

Remember when we learned to use Elasticsearch’s Search API to retrieve data from an Index? But what if we want to fine-tune our search? Well, that’s where queries come in. Queries are the precise tools we can use with the Search API to hone in on the data we’re after.

Before we start practicing, install the elasticsearch package

%pip install elasticsearch jsonlines

import the packages we need

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers
import time
import json
import jsonlines

Create a connection to elasticsearch, make sure elasticsearch is running on your computer’s localhost or is running on Google Collab.

es = Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200, 'scheme': 'http'}])

Creating an Customer Index

# Create index customers
# PUT http://localhost:9200/customers
response = es.indices.create(index='customers', ignore=400)
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
C:\Users\aditi\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_35632\1248388089.py:3: DeprecationWarning: Passing transport options in the API method is deprecated. Use 'Elasticsearch.options()' instead.
  response = es.indices.create(index='customers', ignore=400)
    "acknowledged": true,
    "shards_acknowledged": true,
    "index": "customers"

Insert Customer Data with Hobbies and Banks

# bulk insert customers
# POST http://localhost:9200/_bulk

# < customers.json
def load_json(file_name):
    with jsonlines.open(file_name) as reader:
        for obj in reader:
            yield {
                "_index": "customers",
                "_source": obj,

helpers.bulk(es, load_json('https://storage.googleapis.com/rg-ai-bootcamp/database/customers-with-banks.json'))
(2000, [])

Match All

When using Elasticsearch’s Search API, you need a way to retrieve all data from an index without specifying any query. By default, the Search API uses the Match All query. This query is designed to retrieve all data in an index, providing a simple and efficient way to obtain a complete set of data.

# search using match_all
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'match_all': {}
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 3,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 2000,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 1.0,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "KbJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username1"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "KrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username1",
                    "first_name": "Rollie",
                    "last_name": "Farge",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1984-11-23",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "227 Eastwood Pass",
                        "city": "New York City",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "10131"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 8949575
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 9256376
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 7904606
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "K7JGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username2"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "LLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username2",
                    "first_name": "Toinette",
                    "last_name": "Ketteridge",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "2000-06-07",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "48 Golf View Point",
                        "city": "Youngstown",
                        "province": "Ohio",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "44505"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 7051376
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 9284273
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "LbJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username3"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "LrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username3",
                    "first_name": "Lezlie",
                    "last_name": "Dunbabin",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1978-02-28",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "4 Westerfield Circle",
                        "city": "Orlando",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32825"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 8176225
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 9600877
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 4487739
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "L7JGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username4"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "MLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username4",
                    "first_name": "Jamal",
                    "last_name": "Habard",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1977-10-29",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "01 Toban Place",
                        "city": "Schenectady",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "12305"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 4429076
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 6297767
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "MbJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username5"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "MrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username5",
                    "first_name": "Broddy",
                    "last_name": "Speere",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1980-10-26",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "0586 Michigan Drive",
                        "city": "Saint Petersburg",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "33715"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 1852753

Paging dan Sorting

You need to implement paging and sorting when using the Search API, but using Query Parameters can be complex and hard to read? You can simplify this process by using the Request Body for paging and sorting. It’s a more straightforward and readable approach than using Query Parameters.

# search using match_all with paging and sorting
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'match_all': {}
    'size': 10,
    'from': 0,
    'sort': [
            "username.keyword": {
                "order": "desc"
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 4,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 2000,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": null,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "9rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username999",
                    "first_name": "Hali",
                    "last_name": "Worboy",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1988-06-02",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "2988 Delladonna Street",
                        "city": "Tallahassee",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32304"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 2125724
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 9143118
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 2713733
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "9LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username998",
                    "first_name": "Bogey",
                    "last_name": "Muldowney",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1977-07-23",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "25 Eastwood Pass",
                        "city": "Washington",
                        "province": "District of Columbia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "20210"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 5412752
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 4775113
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "8rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username997",
                    "first_name": "Christabella",
                    "last_name": "Quincey",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1984-02-27",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "5697 Arapahoe Trail",
                        "city": "Washington",
                        "province": "District of Columbia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "20566"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4700078
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 8762184
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 8717479
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "8LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username996",
                    "first_name": "Conrade",
                    "last_name": "Scardifeild",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1971-01-29",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "691 Bartillon Point",
                        "city": "Chesapeake",
                        "province": "Virginia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "23324"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 6489073
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 1347358
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 9614049
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "7rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username995",
                    "first_name": "Kelley",
                    "last_name": "Nuccitelli",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1986-05-15",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "7 Glacier Hill Terrace",
                        "city": "Oakland",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "94611"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 3103617
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "7LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username994",
                    "first_name": "Ardra",
                    "last_name": "Petkov",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1981-09-25",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "35248 Emmet Plaza",
                        "city": "Rochester",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "14683"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1837241
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "6rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username993",
                    "first_name": "Hendrick",
                    "last_name": "Kybert",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1987-09-30",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "8 Mayfield Circle",
                        "city": "Annapolis",
                        "province": "Maryland",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "21405"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 4702117
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "6LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username992",
                    "first_name": "Donnie",
                    "last_name": "Fanshaw",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1989-01-14",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "88 Moulton Center",
                        "city": "Denton",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "76205"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 3054684
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 4976349
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "5rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username991",
                    "first_name": "Vivien",
                    "last_name": "Tetla",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1993-12-07",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "383 Sutherland Terrace",
                        "city": "Chicago",
                        "province": "Illinois",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "60630"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 2729641
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 2351409
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "5LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username990",
                    "first_name": "Curry",
                    "last_name": "Mahaddie",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1993-10-11",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "39280 West Park",
                        "city": "Racine",
                        "province": "Wisconsin",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "53405"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 4703593
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 4309892
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 8581300
                "sort": [

Term Query

You need an efficient way to search for exact values (like usernames, product IDs, prices, etc.) in your data. However, using the Term Query for text data types might lead to inaccurate results due to text analysis (like automatic lowercasing, symbol removal, etc.).

Instead of using Term Query for text data types, it’s more appropriate to use Match Query as it can handle the peculiarities of text analysis and provide more accurate results.

# select * from customers where gender = 'Female' limit 10 offset 0 order by username desc
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'term': {
            'gender.keyword': 'Female'
    'size': 10,
    'from': 0,
    'sort': [
            "username.keyword": {
                "order": "desc"
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 4,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 484,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": null,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "9rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username999",
                    "first_name": "Hali",
                    "last_name": "Worboy",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1988-06-02",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "2988 Delladonna Street",
                        "city": "Tallahassee",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32304"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 2125724
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 9143118
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 2713733
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "8rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username997",
                    "first_name": "Christabella",
                    "last_name": "Quincey",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1984-02-27",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "5697 Arapahoe Trail",
                        "city": "Washington",
                        "province": "District of Columbia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "20566"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4700078
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 8762184
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 8717479
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "7LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username994",
                    "first_name": "Ardra",
                    "last_name": "Petkov",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1981-09-25",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "35248 Emmet Plaza",
                        "city": "Rochester",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "14683"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1837241
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "5rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username991",
                    "first_name": "Vivien",
                    "last_name": "Tetla",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1993-12-07",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "383 Sutherland Terrace",
                        "city": "Chicago",
                        "province": "Illinois",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "60630"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 2729641
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 2351409
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "3rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username987",
                    "first_name": "Binni",
                    "last_name": "Grason",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1995-03-25",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "8237 Merry Street",
                        "city": "Ogden",
                        "province": "Utah",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "84409"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 9766778
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 4851415
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8064204
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "3LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username986",
                    "first_name": "Eden",
                    "last_name": "Carress",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1976-04-15",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "30 Washington Point",
                        "city": "Knoxville",
                        "province": "Tennessee",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "37914"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 1649494
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 8919650
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 8638882
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "2rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username985",
                    "first_name": "Barb",
                    "last_name": "Cowap",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1998-07-04",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "90566 Troy Road",
                        "city": "Jackson",
                        "province": "Mississippi",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "39236"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 8044372
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 8755118
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3735619
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "1rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username983",
                    "first_name": "Reena",
                    "last_name": "Stitle",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1981-10-08",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "3 Nelson Court",
                        "city": "Norfolk",
                        "province": "Virginia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "23504"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 8018980
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 2091947
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "0rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username981",
                    "first_name": "Dido",
                    "last_name": "Peet",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1995-02-15",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "963 Oneill Plaza",
                        "city": "Sacramento",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "95833"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 9681008
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 6144820
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 3259997
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "0LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username980",
                    "first_name": "Gusti",
                    "last_name": "Bickerdike",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1988-10-25",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "60203 Hooker Avenue",
                        "city": "New York City",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "10170"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 6856311
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 3246052
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 6924209
                "sort": [
# select * from customers where banks.name = 'BCA' limit 10 offset 0 order by username desc
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'term': {
            'banks.name.keyword': 'BCA'
    'size': 10,
    'from': 0,
    'sort': [
            "username.keyword": {
                "order": "desc"
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 4,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 192,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": null,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "8rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username997",
                    "first_name": "Christabella",
                    "last_name": "Quincey",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1984-02-27",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "5697 Arapahoe Trail",
                        "city": "Washington",
                        "province": "District of Columbia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "20566"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4700078
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 8762184
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 8717479
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "7LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username994",
                    "first_name": "Ardra",
                    "last_name": "Petkov",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1981-09-25",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "35248 Emmet Plaza",
                        "city": "Rochester",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "14683"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1837241
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "2rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username985",
                    "first_name": "Barb",
                    "last_name": "Cowap",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1998-07-04",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "90566 Troy Road",
                        "city": "Jackson",
                        "province": "Mississippi",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "39236"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 8044372
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 8755118
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3735619
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "zLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username978",
                    "first_name": "Cassondra",
                    "last_name": "Leppingwell",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1987-10-17",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "01 Almo Way",
                        "city": "Kansas City",
                        "province": "Missouri",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "64125"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 8796779
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 4952291
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8057040
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "vLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username970",
                    "first_name": "Terrye",
                    "last_name": "Greatbanks",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1971-07-18",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "43271 Sunfield Park",
                        "city": "San Francisco",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "94121"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8085861
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 4514681
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5571789
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "urJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username969",
                    "first_name": "Lindi",
                    "last_name": "Odby",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1971-12-21",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "4 Summer Ridge Hill",
                        "city": "Bethlehem",
                        "province": "Pennsylvania",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "18018"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 3986142
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 3158564
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5127059
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "prJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWg",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username959",
                    "first_name": "Buck",
                    "last_name": "Winks",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1994-04-02",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "314 Summit Alley",
                        "city": "Rochester",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "14609"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 2787784
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 3217420
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5250594
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "nLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWg",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username954",
                    "first_name": "Annelise",
                    "last_name": "Carlesi",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1976-01-27",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "773 Luster Center",
                        "city": "Washington",
                        "province": "District of Columbia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "20470"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3408116
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "mrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWg",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username953",
                    "first_name": "Axel",
                    "last_name": "Durning",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1998-03-15",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "9723 Superior Pass",
                        "city": "Knoxville",
                        "province": "Tennessee",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "37939"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 8238872
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 9331017
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "lLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWg",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username950",
                    "first_name": "Phebe",
                    "last_name": "McIlwrath",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1995-04-06",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "8 Mosinee Crossing",
                        "city": "Oakland",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "94627"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 2677894
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 6574332
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 5697471
                "sort": [

Match Query

You’re working with text data types, and Term Query doesn’t provide accurate results because it doesn’t use the same text analysis methods.

Use Match Query, which, unlike Term Query, incorporates the same text analysis as the attribute being searched. Therefore, it’s suitable for text data types and can automatically apply the correct text analysis. Though, it’s worth noting that Match Query can be used for all data types. The topic of text analysis is quite complex and will be covered in a separate module.

# select * from customers where banks.name = 'BCA' limit 10 offset 0 order by username desc
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'match': {
            'banks.name.keyword': 'BCA'
    'size': 10,
    'from': 0,
    'sort': [
            "username.keyword": {
                "order": "desc"
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 3,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 192,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": null,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "8rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username997",
                    "first_name": "Christabella",
                    "last_name": "Quincey",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1984-02-27",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "5697 Arapahoe Trail",
                        "city": "Washington",
                        "province": "District of Columbia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "20566"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4700078
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 8762184
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 8717479
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "7LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username994",
                    "first_name": "Ardra",
                    "last_name": "Petkov",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1981-09-25",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "35248 Emmet Plaza",
                        "city": "Rochester",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "14683"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1837241
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "2rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username985",
                    "first_name": "Barb",
                    "last_name": "Cowap",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1998-07-04",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "90566 Troy Road",
                        "city": "Jackson",
                        "province": "Mississippi",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "39236"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 8044372
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 8755118
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3735619
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "zLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username978",
                    "first_name": "Cassondra",
                    "last_name": "Leppingwell",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1987-10-17",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "01 Almo Way",
                        "city": "Kansas City",
                        "province": "Missouri",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "64125"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 8796779
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 4952291
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8057040
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "vLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username970",
                    "first_name": "Terrye",
                    "last_name": "Greatbanks",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1971-07-18",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "43271 Sunfield Park",
                        "city": "San Francisco",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "94121"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8085861
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 4514681
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5571789
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "urJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username969",
                    "first_name": "Lindi",
                    "last_name": "Odby",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1971-12-21",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "4 Summer Ridge Hill",
                        "city": "Bethlehem",
                        "province": "Pennsylvania",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "18018"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 3986142
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 3158564
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5127059
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "prJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWg",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username959",
                    "first_name": "Buck",
                    "last_name": "Winks",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1994-04-02",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "314 Summit Alley",
                        "city": "Rochester",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "14609"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 2787784
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 3217420
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5250594
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "nLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWg",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username954",
                    "first_name": "Annelise",
                    "last_name": "Carlesi",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1976-01-27",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "773 Luster Center",
                        "city": "Washington",
                        "province": "District of Columbia",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "20470"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3408116
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "mrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWg",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username953",
                    "first_name": "Axel",
                    "last_name": "Durning",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1998-03-15",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "9723 Superior Pass",
                        "city": "Knoxville",
                        "province": "Tennessee",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "37939"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 8238872
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 9331017
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "lLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWg",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username950",
                    "first_name": "Phebe",
                    "last_name": "McIlwrath",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1995-04-06",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "8 Mosinee Crossing",
                        "city": "Oakland",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "94627"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 2677894
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 6574332
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 5697471
                "sort": [

Standard Analyzer

For text data types, by default, the StandardAnalyzer is used. Simplistically, this is an object used to convert the original value into a searchable form of smaller tokens.

Here is the official documentation: StandardAnalyzer

  • Example: When you use the text value [email protected], the StandardAnalyzer changes it into aditira example com. This automatic process allows you to search using the words aditira, example, or com.

Match Query Operator

When using Match Query, there’s an attribute called operator that can take the values OR or AND. By default, the operator value is OR.

  • Example: Therefore, when we search for bca digital, the StandardAnalyzer will break it down into bca OR digital. As a result, all banks with ‘BCA’ or ‘BCA Digital’ will appear in the search results.

  • Adjustment: If you want to search for records that contain both bca AND digital, you need to change the query operator to AND.

# search customers
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'match': {
            'banks.name': {
                'query': 'bca digital',
                'operator': 'AND'
    'size': 10,
    'from': 0,
    'sort': [
            "username.keyword": {
                "order": "desc"
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 3,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 217,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": null,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "9rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username999",
                    "first_name": "Hali",
                    "last_name": "Worboy",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1988-06-02",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "2988 Delladonna Street",
                        "city": "Tallahassee",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32304"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 2125724
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 9143118
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 2713733
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "5rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username991",
                    "first_name": "Vivien",
                    "last_name": "Tetla",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1993-12-07",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "383 Sutherland Terrace",
                        "city": "Chicago",
                        "province": "Illinois",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "60630"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 2729641
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 2351409
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "5LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
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                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1993-10-11",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "39280 West Park",
                        "city": "Racine",
                        "province": "Wisconsin",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "53405"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 4703593
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 4309892
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 8581300
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "7rJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74K",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username99",
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                    "last_name": "Renzullo",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1997-06-19",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "05 Brickson Park Street",
                        "city": "Denton",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "76205"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 6770052
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 9745839
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 4358454
                "sort": [
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                "_id": "3LJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username986",
                    "first_name": "Eden",
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                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1976-04-15",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "30 Washington Point",
                        "city": "Knoxville",
                        "province": "Tennessee",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "37914"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 1649494
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 8919650
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 8638882
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
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                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1990-12-16",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "222 Leroy Avenue",
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                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "96835"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
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                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 3228246
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 6082404
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "7LJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74K",
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                "_source": {
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                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
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                    "address": {
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                        "city": "Young America",
                        "province": "Minnesota",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "55573"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 6809887
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 3732237
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 6990718
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "zrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username979",
                    "first_name": "Zacharia",
                    "last_name": "O'Harney",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1987-08-03",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "52 Reindahl Way",
                        "city": "Tallahassee",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32304"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 5917638
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 1339521
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 7204366
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "xLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username974",
                    "first_name": "Thekla",
                    "last_name": "Zamora",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1973-01-03",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "2 Sherman Road",
                        "city": "Bethlehem",
                        "province": "Pennsylvania",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "18018"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 5390077
                            "name": "BTPN",
                            "account_number": 8209397
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 3715524
                "sort": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "rrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": null,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username963",
                    "first_name": "Wheeler",
                    "last_name": "Bullene",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1993-09-25",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "2 Welch Street",
                        "city": "Gary",
                        "province": "Indiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "46406"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 5441930
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 3117133
                            "name": "BTN",
                            "account_number": 9135063
                "sort": [

Terms Query

  • Elasticsearch includes a query that functions similarly to the IN operator in SQL, which is the Terms Query.
  • However, remember that Terms Query behaves much like Term Query, so it will not use the default Text Analysis of its attributes.
  • So, just like Term Query, Terms Query is also best suited for attributes that are not of Text data type.
# search customers
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'terms': {
            'username': [
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 2,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 3,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 1.0,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "KrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username1",
                    "first_name": "Rollie",
                    "last_name": "Farge",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1984-11-23",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "227 Eastwood Pass",
                        "city": "New York City",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "10131"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 8949575
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 9256376
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 7904606
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "LLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username2",
                    "first_name": "Toinette",
                    "last_name": "Ketteridge",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "2000-06-07",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "48 Golf View Point",
                        "city": "Youngstown",
                        "province": "Ohio",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "44505"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 7051376
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 9284273
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "LrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username3",
                    "first_name": "Lezlie",
                    "last_name": "Dunbabin",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1978-02-28",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "4 Westerfield Circle",
                        "city": "Orlando",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32825"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 8176225
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 9600877
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 4487739

Boolean Query

What if we want to search multiple fields? Term and Match are used to search a single field. If we want to search multiple fields at once, we can combine them using a Boolean Query.

Boolean Query Field

Occur Description
must The query has to appear in the resulting document and contribute to the score
filter The query must appear in the resulting document, but does not contribute to the score
must_not The query should not appear in the resulting document
should The query may appear (but is not required) in the resulting document

Boolean Query - Must

# search customers
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'bool': {
            'must': [
                    'term': {
                        'hobbies': 'gaming'
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bca'
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 4,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 106,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 2.405724,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "grJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username45",
                    "first_name": "Durante",
                    "last_name": "Plampin",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1978-09-21",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "2132 Homewood Avenue",
                        "city": "New York City",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "10270"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 7378718
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "srJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username69",
                    "first_name": "Gustave",
                    "last_name": "Biermatowicz",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1981-04-16",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "3904 Rowland Circle",
                        "city": "Montgomery",
                        "province": "Alabama",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "36177"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1117171
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "KrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r78K",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username129",
                    "first_name": "Loralyn",
                    "last_name": "Sellars",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "2000-12-01",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "118 Oneill Hill",
                        "city": "Boulder",
                        "province": "Colorado",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "80305"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 9013774
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "xLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r78K",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username206",
                    "first_name": "Rooney",
                    "last_name": "Macias",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1990-09-20",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "84 Bultman Terrace",
                        "city": "Honolulu",
                        "province": "Hawaii",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "96835"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 8841860
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "RrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username399",
                    "first_name": "Craggie",
                    "last_name": "Greenway",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1983-06-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "0 Victoria Plaza",
                        "city": "Detroit",
                        "province": "Michigan",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "48232"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 7468098
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "TrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMIZ",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username531",
                    "first_name": "Gaby",
                    "last_name": "Imbrey",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1972-04-14",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "67587 Goodland Plaza",
                        "city": "Dallas",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "75372"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1531772
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "VrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMIZ",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username535",
                    "first_name": "Rickert",
                    "last_name": "Egel",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1981-06-26",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "7 Myrtle Pass",
                        "city": "Jackson",
                        "province": "Mississippi",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "39236"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1771757
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "gLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMSg",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username812",
                    "first_name": "Carey",
                    "last_name": "Maudlen",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1970-11-02",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "96 Schlimgen Hill",
                        "city": "New Orleans",
                        "province": "Louisiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "70174"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4270060
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "qLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMSg",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username832",
                    "first_name": "Mateo",
                    "last_name": "Brodhead",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1982-10-26",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "6661 High Crossing Crossing",
                        "city": "Sacramento",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "94291"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 2425017
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "7rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMSg",
                "_score": 2.405724,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username867",
                    "first_name": "Aura",
                    "last_name": "Janacek",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1974-04-28",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "97788 Wayridge Alley",
                        "city": "El Paso",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "88519"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 7495508

Boolean Query - Filter

# search customers
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'bool': {
            'filter': [
                    'term': {
                        'hobbies': 'gaming'
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bca'
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 3,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 106,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 0.0,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "MLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username4",
                    "first_name": "Jamal",
                    "last_name": "Habard",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1977-10-29",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "01 Toban Place",
                        "city": "Schenectady",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "12305"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 4429076
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 6297767
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "NrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username7",
                    "first_name": "Pavia",
                    "last_name": "Thomasen",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1994-12-27",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "04 Stoughton Point",
                        "city": "Grand Rapids",
                        "province": "Michigan",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "49518"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 3057759
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 3500404
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "OLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username8",
                    "first_name": "Sly",
                    "last_name": "O'Hagerty",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1984-04-09",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "58624 Anderson Plaza",
                        "city": "Saint Louis",
                        "province": "Missouri",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "63121"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 7399293
                            "name": "Jago",
                            "account_number": 1855103
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "WrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username25",
                    "first_name": "Britteny",
                    "last_name": "Reading",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "2000-10-17",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "7 Sycamore Trail",
                        "city": "Kansas City",
                        "province": "Missouri",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "64130"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 7693299
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3416912
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "XrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username27",
                    "first_name": "Arabele",
                    "last_name": "Critchley",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1986-05-05",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "9 Marquette Circle",
                        "city": "Huntsville",
                        "province": "Alabama",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "35805"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 7805389
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 3713601
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 6752101
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "bLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username34",
                    "first_name": "Salomo",
                    "last_name": "Stubbington",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1974-08-09",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "9297 Dorton Plaza",
                        "city": "El Paso",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "79940"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 6392777
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 8157580
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "cLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username36",
                    "first_name": "Catlee",
                    "last_name": "Ivy",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1994-08-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "64347 7th Parkway",
                        "city": "New Orleans",
                        "province": "Louisiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "70149"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5844642
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8309997
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "grJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username45",
                    "first_name": "Durante",
                    "last_name": "Plampin",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1978-09-21",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "2132 Homewood Avenue",
                        "city": "New York City",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "10270"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 7378718
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "sLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username68",
                    "first_name": "Cathlene",
                    "last_name": "Hoyes",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1982-09-28",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "7 Schlimgen Center",
                        "city": "Kansas City",
                        "province": "Missouri",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "64125"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 7494105
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 6897836
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 7987430
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "srJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username69",
                    "first_name": "Gustave",
                    "last_name": "Biermatowicz",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1981-04-16",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "3904 Rowland Circle",
                        "city": "Montgomery",
                        "province": "Alabama",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "36177"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1117171

Boolean Query - Must Not

# search customers
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'bool': {
            'must_not': [
                    'term': {
                        'hobbies': 'gaming'
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bca'
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 3,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 1412,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 0.0,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "KbJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username1"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "K7JGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username2"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "LLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username2",
                    "first_name": "Toinette",
                    "last_name": "Ketteridge",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "2000-06-07",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "48 Golf View Point",
                        "city": "Youngstown",
                        "province": "Ohio",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "44505"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 7051376
                            "name": "BNI",
                            "account_number": 9284273
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "LbJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username3"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "LrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username3",
                    "first_name": "Lezlie",
                    "last_name": "Dunbabin",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1978-02-28",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "4 Westerfield Circle",
                        "city": "Orlando",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32825"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 8176225
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 9600877
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 4487739
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "L7JGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
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                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "MbJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username5"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "M7JGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username6"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "NbJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username7"
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "N7JGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 0.0,
                "_source": {
                    "index": {
                        "_index": "customers",
                        "_id": "username8"

Boolean Query - Should

# search customers
# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'bool': {
            'should': [
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bca'
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bri'
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 5,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 538,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 2.6825786,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "vLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMWi",
                "_score": 2.6825786,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username970",
                    "first_name": "Terrye",
                    "last_name": "Greatbanks",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1971-07-18",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "43271 Sunfield Park",
                        "city": "San Francisco",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "94121"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8085861
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 4514681
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5571789
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "cLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username36",
                    "first_name": "Catlee",
                    "last_name": "Ivy",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1994-08-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "64347 7th Parkway",
                        "city": "New Orleans",
                        "province": "Louisiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "70149"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5844642
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8309997
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "CrJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8AK",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username241",
                    "first_name": "Warden",
                    "last_name": "Gaythwaite",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1982-02-15",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "596 Elmside Lane",
                        "city": "Naperville",
                        "province": "Illinois",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "60567"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 2665146
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 9325424
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "trJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username455",
                    "first_name": "Keir",
                    "last_name": "Haly",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1972-08-07",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "41 Dorton Point",
                        "city": "Milwaukee",
                        "province": "Wisconsin",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "53285"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 1487332
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 5452730
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                "_id": "4LJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
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                    "first_name": "Dinny",
                    "last_name": "McMillan",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1998-03-25",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "56 Harper Court",
                        "city": "Pensacola",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32595"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 9892239
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 8727644
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "urJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMIZ",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username585",
                    "first_name": "Emogene",
                    "last_name": "Hupka",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1985-12-03",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "92 Bay Lane",
                        "city": "Springfield",
                        "province": "Massachusetts",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "01129"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8741448
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 8658356
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "hrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMMa",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username687",
                    "first_name": "Victor",
                    "last_name": "Jinkin",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1982-01-05",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "8 Trailsway Center",
                        "city": "Brooklyn",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "11205"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 3352823
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4278436
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "9rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMMa",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username743",
                    "first_name": "Maurita",
                    "last_name": "Seelbach",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1986-01-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "80357 Clove Court",
                        "city": "Houston",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "77065"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3299728
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8314066
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "KLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMSe",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username768",
                    "first_name": "Valeria",
                    "last_name": "Valder",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1984-10-06",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "9219 North Circle",
                        "city": "Whittier",
                        "province": "California",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "90610"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 4368607
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 6427897
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "tLJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMSg",
                "_score": 2.5432863,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username838",
                    "first_name": "Dorey",
                    "last_name": "Betun",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1971-01-05",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "7696 Sutherland Hill",
                        "city": "Newark",
                        "province": "New Jersey",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "07104"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 6836664
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8031975

Minimum Should Match

  • What happens when we use a Boolean Query and only use should, without must and filter? By default, at least one condition within should has to match with the document.
  • What happens when we add must or filter to our Boolean Query? The minimum should match value becomes 0, which means should is not mandatory.
  • What if we want to change the minimum should match value? We have to increase the value for the minimum should match.

Boolean Query - Must dan Should

# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'bool': {
            'must': {
                'term': {
                    'hobbies': 'gaming'
            'should': [
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bca'
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bri'
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 3,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 321,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 3.6790433,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "cLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 3.6790433,
                "_source": {
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                    "first_name": "Catlee",
                    "last_name": "Ivy",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1994-08-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "64347 7th Parkway",
                        "city": "New Orleans",
                        "province": "Louisiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "70149"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5844642
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8309997
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "hrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMMa",
                "_score": 3.6790433,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username687",
                    "first_name": "Victor",
                    "last_name": "Jinkin",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1982-01-05",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "8 Trailsway Center",
                        "city": "Brooklyn",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "11205"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 3352823
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4278436
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "9rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMMa",
                "_score": 3.6790433,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username743",
                    "first_name": "Maurita",
                    "last_name": "Seelbach",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1986-01-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "80357 Clove Court",
                        "city": "Houston",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "77065"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3299728
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8314066
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "PLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 3.6396484,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username394",
                    "first_name": "Linoel",
                    "last_name": "Kopec",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1991-03-28",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "3 Kipling Junction",
                        "city": "Gainesville",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32627"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3872364
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 5641432
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 2723248
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "6rJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 3.6396484,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username481",
                    "first_name": "Juanita",
                    "last_name": "Lansdale",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1995-10-26",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "4 Sunfield Lane",
                        "city": "Naples",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "34114"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 7122066
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4992498
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8892123
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "ZLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 3.334869,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username414",
                    "first_name": "Hunter",
                    "last_name": "Qualtro",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1976-08-06",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "57 Cordelia Avenue",
                        "city": "Wilmington",
                        "province": "North Carolina",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "28410"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 9464981
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 2065565
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4272004
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "bLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
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                    "first_name": "Salomo",
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                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1974-08-09",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "9297 Dorton Plaza",
                        "city": "El Paso",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "79940"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 6392777
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 8157580
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                "_id": "XLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r78K",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username154",
                    "first_name": "Lillian",
                    "last_name": "Loukes",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1983-12-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "056 Nancy Drive",
                        "city": "Miami",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "33129"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 2485419
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 7284668
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 9927406
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "grJGYowBtsOVXdO2r78K",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username173",
                    "first_name": "Blakeley",
                    "last_name": "Adhams",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1990-07-05",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "98 Springs Way",
                        "city": "Baton Rouge",
                        "province": "Louisiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "70826"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 4077771
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 7632202
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 9874926
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "5rJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8C_",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username351",
                    "first_name": "Merissa",
                    "last_name": "Pettegre",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1998-01-31",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "5 Dovetail Alley",
                        "city": "Allentown",
                        "province": "Pennsylvania",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "18105"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8494794
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 6848718

Boolean Query - Minimum Should Match

# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'bool': {
            'must': {
                'term': {
                    'hobbies': 'gaming'
            'should': [
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bca'
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bri'
            'minimum_should_match': 1
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 3,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
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        "successful": 1,
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                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 6392777
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 8157580
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "XLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r78K",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username154",
                    "first_name": "Lillian",
                    "last_name": "Loukes",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1983-12-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "056 Nancy Drive",
                        "city": "Miami",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "33129"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 2485419
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 7284668
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 9927406
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "grJGYowBtsOVXdO2r78K",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username173",
                    "first_name": "Blakeley",
                    "last_name": "Adhams",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1990-07-05",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "98 Springs Way",
                        "city": "Baton Rouge",
                        "province": "Louisiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "70826"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 4077771
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 7632202
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 9874926
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "5rJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8C_",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username351",
                    "first_name": "Merissa",
                    "last_name": "Pettegre",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1998-01-31",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "5 Dovetail Alley",
                        "city": "Allentown",
                        "province": "Pennsylvania",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "18105"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8494794
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 6848718

Boolean Query - Minimum Should Match 2

# POST http://localhost:9200/customers/_search
response = es.search(index='customers', body={
    'query': {
        'bool': {
            'must': {
                'term': {
                    'hobbies': 'gaming'
            'should': [
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bca'
                    'term': {
                        'banks.name': 'bri'
            'minimum_should_match': 2
print(json.dumps(response.body, indent=4))
    "took": 3,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 19,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 3.6790433,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "cLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 3.6790433,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username36",
                    "first_name": "Catlee",
                    "last_name": "Ivy",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1994-08-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "64347 7th Parkway",
                        "city": "New Orleans",
                        "province": "Louisiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "70149"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 5844642
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8309997
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "hrJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMMa",
                "_score": 3.6790433,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username687",
                    "first_name": "Victor",
                    "last_name": "Jinkin",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1982-01-05",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "8 Trailsway Center",
                        "city": "Brooklyn",
                        "province": "New York",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "11205"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 3352823
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4278436
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "9rJGYowBtsOVXdO2sMMa",
                "_score": 3.6790433,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username743",
                    "first_name": "Maurita",
                    "last_name": "Seelbach",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1986-01-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "80357 Clove Court",
                        "city": "Houston",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "77065"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3299728
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8314066
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "PLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 3.6396487,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username394",
                    "first_name": "Linoel",
                    "last_name": "Kopec",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1991-03-28",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "3 Kipling Junction",
                        "city": "Gainesville",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "32627"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 3872364
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 5641432
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 2723248
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "6rJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 3.6396487,
                "_source": {
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                    "first_name": "Juanita",
                    "last_name": "Lansdale",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1995-10-26",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "4 Sunfield Lane",
                        "city": "Naples",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "34114"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 7122066
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4992498
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8892123
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "ZLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8HA",
                "_score": 3.334869,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username414",
                    "first_name": "Hunter",
                    "last_name": "Qualtro",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1976-08-06",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "57 Cordelia Avenue",
                        "city": "Wilmington",
                        "province": "North Carolina",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "28410"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 9464981
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 2065565
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 4272004
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "bLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r74I",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username34",
                    "first_name": "Salomo",
                    "last_name": "Stubbington",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Male",
                    "birth_date": "1974-08-09",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "9297 Dorton Plaza",
                        "city": "El Paso",
                        "province": "Texas",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "79940"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 6392777
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 8157580
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "XLJGYowBtsOVXdO2r78K",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username154",
                    "first_name": "Lillian",
                    "last_name": "Loukes",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1983-12-24",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "056 Nancy Drive",
                        "city": "Miami",
                        "province": "Florida",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "33129"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 2485419
                            "name": "BSI",
                            "account_number": 7284668
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 9927406
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "grJGYowBtsOVXdO2r78K",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username173",
                    "first_name": "Blakeley",
                    "last_name": "Adhams",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1990-07-05",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "98 Springs Way",
                        "city": "Baton Rouge",
                        "province": "Louisiana",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "70826"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 4077771
                            "name": "Mandiri",
                            "account_number": 7632202
                            "name": "BCA",
                            "account_number": 9874926
                "_index": "customers",
                "_id": "5rJGYowBtsOVXdO2r8C_",
                "_score": 3.268033,
                "_source": {
                    "username": "username351",
                    "first_name": "Merissa",
                    "last_name": "Pettegre",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "gender": "Female",
                    "birth_date": "1998-01-31",
                    "address": {
                        "street": "5 Dovetail Alley",
                        "city": "Allentown",
                        "province": "Pennsylvania",
                        "country": "United States",
                        "zip_code": "18105"
                    "hobbies": [
                    "banks": [
                            "name": "BRI",
                            "account_number": 8494794
                            "name": "BCA Digital",
                            "account_number": 6848718


Imagine Elasticsearch as a bustling city filled with information. The Compact and Aligned Text (CAT) APIs are like the city’s information kiosks, where you can get a snapshot of the city’s health, districts (indices), buildings (shards), citizens (nodes), and more.

These CAT APIs are not typically used for day-to-day city life (the applications we build), but rather for city planners and maintenance crews (users maintaining Elasticsearch).

There is a vast network of these information kiosks (APIs) throughout the city. You can see them all by visiting the city’s main information center (GET /_cat). If you’d like to learn more about these kiosks, you can visit the city’s online guidebook at Elasticsearch’s CAT APIs documentation.

import requests

response = requests.get('http://localhost:9200/_cat')
response = requests.get('http://localhost:9200/_cat/health')
1702458158 09:02:38 ai-bootcamp yellow 1 1 3 3 0 0 3 0 - 50.0%
response = requests.get('http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices')
yellow open orders    iZ5yo0jhQzen6WpHWu02pw 1 1    1 0   6.6kb   6.6kb
yellow open customers DvA3r0qSTxSDO5lJaQNquQ 1 1 2000 0 555.7kb 555.7kb
yellow open products  1cdU4XybTUad8p0TyqKtlQ 1 1    5 0   5.5kb   5.5kb
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